Spiritual Leadership

The Community is lucky to draw on the support of the Jesuits for our Sunday Liturgy. These are the faces you are likely to see on Sunday.

Fr. Christof Wolf, S.J.—Founder, CEO and President of Loyola Productions Munich, Inc. and DOK TV & Media, Inc., two film production companies especially producing / specialists in documentaries, promotionals, commercials (3D), apps, podcasts, and educational films. He is a graduate of the New York Film Academy. He has directed and produced a number of short documentaries, including his work about the American Zen master Bernie Glassman as well as the award winning feature length documentaries “In Spite of Darkness. A Spiritual Encounter with Auschwitz” (Best Documentary, Redemptive Storyteller Award, Silver Telly Awards), and “Ai-un: Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle – Bridge Builder between Zen and Christianity” (Telly Awards: Spirituality, History, Documentary and Biography). He has become a specialist in animated documentaries, including scenes of the ZDF/ARTE production “Challenging Churchill”. He won a Golden Telly Award for Cinematography for “Soulsailer. The Quest for Meaning” and two Silver Telly Awards for Virtual Art Direction and Sound & Sound Design for “Ignatius – the God Seeker”, an animated documentary about the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.

He is lecturer at the Munich School of Philosophy “for Art, Culture, and Religion”, teaches film production at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Social Sciences Rome, at the St. Louis University, College of Arts and Sciences, and the School of Film and Television at the LMU in Los Angeles. Since 2012 he is Chaplain for the “Association of Catholic Journalists Germany” (GKP) and since 2015 Chaplain for the “Association of Catholic Entrepreneurs” Munich. He leads film retreats around the world and is the founder and President of TIFF (The Iñigo Film Festival) for World Youth Day, a gathering of young people from around the world.

Contact: chwolf”at”jesuits.net

Fr. Patrick Zoll, S.J. teaches political philosophy and metaphysics at the Munich School of Philosophy and is trained as
an educator for traumatized persons. He lived in Spain, the US, and Cuba for a while and loves to spend his holidays in Ireland.

Contact: patrick.zoll”at”hfph.de

Fr. Godehard Brüntrup, S.J. is our Senior Priest and Professor for Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Language. He teaches at the Munich School of Philosophy.

Contact: godehard.bruentrup”at”hfph.de